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Senior Fall Prevention: Things You Need to Know

Sep 25, 2019

Care for Seniors

Senior Fall Prevention: Things You Need to Know

All of us know how risky falls can be for older adults. Since the risks are severe, many seniors and family members want to learn about effective senior fall prevention methods. Although you may not always be able to prevent a fall, there are precautions you can take to help seniors reduce the likelihood of a bad fall.

What can cause seniors to fall?

Here are some significant reasons why older adults are more likely to fall:

  • Muscle weakness or physical impairments such as poor vision or loss of hearing.
  • Dizziness due to chronic health conditions such as dementia, low blood pressure, and heart disease.
  • Illnesses, such as labyrinthitis can affect balance.
  • Slipping or accidental falling due to dim lighting, slippery stairs and floors, unsecured rugs or carpets.

How often do older people fall?

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that falls are the leading cause of injuries for people above the age of 65. One out of four elders falls each year.

What are the most serious consequences of a fall on seniors?

Falls are the main reason for fatal injuries, and they are the most common cause of nonfatal trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults. Falls can substantially impact a senior's quality of life. Many older adults will limit their activities and social engagements because they fear falling. This can result in depression, social isolation, physical decline, and feelings of helplessness.

How to prevent a fall in the elderly?

Here are 9 essential tips by professional caregivers for senior fall prevention:

  1. Remove Obstacles - Obstacles such as rolling furniture, loose floor coverings, and low sitting furnishings should be removed from areas with high foot traffic. If there are fewer obstacles, the chances of their falling will decrease.

  2. Install Grip Bars - For the safety of the elderly, install grip bars near showers, bathtubs, toilets, and beds. It will provide stability and great convenience.

  3. Use Non-Slip Pads - Place non-slip pads in showers, tubs and on the floor surrounding the shower and tub. It will help prevent elders from slipping and falling.

  4. Use Mobility Tools - Tools like a cane or a walker will help elders move comfortably while reducing the risk of falling.

  5. Keep Pets Away - Animals can be excellent companions for the elderly, but having pets around elders may lead to difficulties as well. Animals must be kept in a different room when older people are busy with their routine work because elders could accidentally trip over an animal.

  6. Get Suitable Footwear - Older adults must wear shoes that fit them perfectly. They should never move around in socks or loose footwear as this may increase the chances of a fall.

  7. Use Ice Melts During Winters - These are usually placed on steps, sidewalks, and driveways during cold days to provide friction on ice and snow. Use them during winters to reduce slips and falls of the elderly and to prevent damage to your floor finish.

  8. Install Emergency Monitoring System - These can be very helpful if an elder needs assistance after a fall. You must keep a cordless or cellular phone within reach in high foot-traffic areas.

  9. Reduce Stair Time - Most accidents happen on the stairs. Elders should be provided a bedroom on the ground floor so that they don't need to go upstairs.

We provide professional senior care services, including in-home care services through our trained in-home caregivers. If you want home care services for your loved one, call us today at (949) 514-8303.

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