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14 Best Ideas to Help Senior Citizens During COVID-19 Christmas Season

Dec 21, 2020

Holiday Season

14 Best Ideas to Help Senior Citizens During COVID-19 Christmas Season

Christmas is a festive time to spread happiness as well as spend time with our loved ones, exchange gifts, and safely attend parties. Unfortunately, for senior citizens who are no longer living with family and are residing in senior home care, the holidays this year can be isolating and lonely with all of the COVID-19 protocols in place.

Whether they live with you, live in an assisted care facility, or live alone with in-home senior care service, every act of care from you can brighten your loved one’s day.

Here are a few simple ways to make Christmas a little more special for our senior citizens.

  1. Send a handwritten note: Since handwritten notes are so rare nowadays, sending one will make your loved one feel special and brighten their day.

  2. Visit and stay connected: Stay connected through phone or video calls by reading a book together, having a laugh, or sharing family stories and memories. Help your loved ones use technology to reconnect them with friends or family members through an online party.

  3. Make a donation: Make a donation to your loved ones’ favorite charitable organization in their name. Small contributions help them stay an active member of society and help even more people.

  4. Be a “virtual volunteer”: Help organize meals for homebound seniors during COVID-19 restrictions by organizing volunteer activities.

  5. Contact a local nursing home and ask how you can help: Connect to find what options are available to help senior citizens feel the Christmas festivities at your local nursing or care home.

  6. Positive outlook: Help your loved one make a gratitude list to help them focus on the positives and beauty in their daily life.

  7. Movie time: Send a movie and snacks or make funny family homemade movies to share with them and give your loved ones a good time. You can also help them stream movies online or rent them.

  8. Play games on a smartphone together: Play games together to stay connected to your senior loved ones and neighbors.

  9. Organize a night for “caroling”: Play a selection of holiday classics and organize your own holiday musical concert outside your senior loved ones’ home or nursing home.

  10. Order a festive meal: Cook their favorite holiday foods or get a turkey meal delivered through a local restaurant. Share a celebratory feast through a virtual video call.

  11. Run errands for them: Help them with grocery shopping or their prescription requirements. These small acts of care can ensure their emotional well being.

  12. Have a routine to stay connected: Create a weekly plan to call or write to them every week. Senior citizens look forward to the committed time given to share with friends and family.

  13. Buy a few gifts for a “porch drop party”: Browse through an online store to surprise them with a few thoughtful gifts that will lift the spirits.

  14. Online gym membership or fitness equipment: Gift your loved ones a yoga mat, hand weights, a comfortable workout sweatshirt for walks, or an online gym membership so that they can stay physically and mentally fit.

Let's bring Christmas to our senior care citizens to keep the magic of Christmas alive. At Newport Home Care, we are devoted to providing high-quality care and professional service to senior citizens while maintaining their sense of independence and quality of life. Visit our website to learn more!

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